It is a common situation to notice kids putting things in their mouth often. They don't understand whether it is dangerous for them or not. This usually happens when they have new teeth emerging or when they are enticed to something. Frequently when we want kids to take any medicine, we tell them that it is not a medicine but a candy.
Push and Turn:
A spinning top is a toy designed to spin swiftly on the ground, the movement of which causes it to remain precisely balanced on its tip due to its rotational inertia. Such Push and Turn toys have existed since antiquity. Traditionally tops were constructed of wood, sometimes with an iron tip, and the axis firmly while pulling a string or twisting a stick or pushing an auger.
Child Resistant Packaging:
Everybody tries their best to make sure that this kind of situation doesn't arise. But you can't stay around your kid round the clock. All hopes are then on Child Resistant Packaging of medicines. They explored something that could be considered as the final solution for defence. It was a package that assisted to stop the kids from ingesting dangerous and unhealthy items. As it is a vital matter and involves safety of your kid.
Bottle Droppers:
These products are usually made of polystyrene and are ideal for dry products. Both for Homeopathy & Naturopathy, these kinds of containers can be used to store liquids. Caps are air tight and if closed properly, the liquids can remain effective till the expiry date. Bottle Droppers suppliers have been availing these products in 5ml to 100ml capacity to store different quantity of liquids conveniently. The cap is tamperproof and thus keeps the liquid safe.
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